Kidney Stones Specialist

Urologist: Michael Rotman, MD
Urologist located in Murray Hill, New York, NY & Hewlett, NY
Small pebbles of salt and mineral in the urine are called “kidney stones.” These can cause severe pain, often leaving the body by passing through the urethra. If you believe you have a kidney stone, treatment is available to help you experience relief. Contact Dr. Rotman, an expert urologist from New York, New York, today to get treatment for your kidney stone.
Kidney Stones Q & A
What are kidney stones?
Kidney stones are small pebbles made of salt and minerals in your kidneys, which can be as small as grains of sand and as large as golf balls. These stones cause intense pain as they travel from your kidneys and out through your urinary tract.
Kidney stones form when the balance of water, salts, and minerals in your urine changes. Most commonly, people get kidney stones when they don’t drink enough water. Kidney stones also occur because of medical conditions such as gout.
When a kidney stone is in your kidney, it usually causes no pain. However, as the pebble begins to travel through the urinary tract, you'll experience severe pain in their sides, belly, or groin. Your urine might even become pink or red, and you are likely to feel sick.
How are kidney stones diagnosed?
First, Dr. Rotman consults with you about your medical history and performs a physical examination. He may order a CT scan or an ultrasound so he can see what’s going on in your urinary tract.
Alternatively, Dr. Rotman may ask you to collect your urine for 24 hours. The levels of salt, minerals, and water in your urine help him determine whether you’re likely to have more kidney stones in the future.
To prevent future kidney stones, you should stay hydrated. Drink about eight to 10 glasses of water per day to make your urine light yellow or clear.
How are kidney stones treated?
If the stone is small enough to pass through the urethra, the best course of action is to allow the stone to pass on its own.
If the stone is large, you may need extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Using shock waves, this form of treatment breaks the kidney stone down into smaller pieces, allowing these smaller pieces to pass through your urine easily.
In some cases, Dr. Rotman may need to remove the kidney stone with a small, flexible plastic tube called a “stent.” This device keeps the ureter open as the stone passes.
Contact Dr. Rotman today -- or book an appointment online -- so you can get relief from kidney stones.
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